Greg Morrisett named dean of Cornell Tech

Greg Morrisett, dean of Cornell’s Faculty of Computing and Information Science, has been named the Jack and Rilla Neafsey Dean and Vice Provost of Cornell Tech, Provost Michael Kotlikoff announced June 7.

Cornell funds projects in NYC visioning initiative

Four new faculty projects have been selected to receive funding for collaborative, cross-disciplinary opportunities for learning and research in New York City.

Cornell team, EPA to partner on emissions big data project

Max Zhang and students will work with EPA experts over the next year on a machine learning model to predict fossil fuel emissions.

Cornell Tech ‘Open Studio’ celebrates innovation, impact

An intelligent assistant to manage gut disorders and an app that facilitates personal growth through continuous feedback from co-workers were among the winners of the fifth annual Startup Awards competition, held May 17 at Cornell Tech.

Cornell to host national Science Olympiad

About 2,000 middle and high school students will show their science and engineering acumen at the 35th annual Science Olympiad National Tournament, May 31-June 1 at Cornell.

Soft, social robot brings coziness to home robotics

Blossom, a simple, expressive, inexpensive robot platform developed by Cornell researchers, can be made from a kit and creatively outfitted with handcrafted materials.

Milstein students ‘Collab’ on tech solutions in service projects

Students in the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity developed a website, created a computer language learning curriculum and engaged in other service projects this spring.

To win online debates, social networks worth a thousand words

Social interactions are more important than language in predicting who is going to succeed at online debating, according to new Cornell research.

Mozilla co-founder shares vision for future of tech

Mitchell Baker, chairwoman of Mozilla and co-founder of the Mozilla Project, was on campus May 1 to speak with students in the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity.