Jamey Edwards is on a mission to fix healthcare

The newest episode of the Startup Cornell podcast features Jamey Edwards '96 MBA '03, president & chief strategy officer at Koko Home, a company providing radar driven, AI-enabled solutions for healthcare and an Entrepreneur in Residence of StartUp Health, which was founded in 2011 to invest in global health entrepreneurs.

Around Cornell

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Drive sales and marketing success with AI and academic theory

On the Cornell Keynotes podcast, former Cornell SC Johnson College of Business professor Clarence Lee shares how companies can apply academic theory and AI frameworks in sales and marketing.

Around Cornell

Cornell team hopes judges say ‘Yes!’ to Nonna’s Nopales gnocchi

Cornell IFT team goes to Chicago with their Nonna’s Nopales futuristic food product – gnocchi made from superfood cactus paddles.

Aspiring entrepreneurs get inspired at NYC event

Panelists at the “How to Leap into Entrepreneurship” event talked the importance of networking, using their Cornell connections and experiences and developing an ability to handle failure.

Around Cornell

Dirty cooking fuels pose major threat to infants in India

A new paper quantifies the impact of cooking fuel choice on indoor air pollution and early childhood mortality in India.

Cornell transforms generative AI education (with help from a cloned professor)

Designing and Building AI Solutions is a new online certificate program, with one-of-a-kind features designed to enhance the learning experience for those that desire to build their own AI products—no coding required.

Around Cornell

Risa Mish honored with the 2024 Earl Hill Jr. Faculty Achievement and Diversity Leadership Award

Risa Mish, professor of practice at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, was honored by The Consortium for contributions in diversity leadership.

Around Cornell

Student launches online marketplace for ski and snowboard gear

Dylan Seale ’25 debuts a new online ecosystem for independent entrepreneurs in the winter sportswear and gear industry.

The cost of silence: Financial stress mutes couples’ communication

By acknowledging the impact of financial stress on willingness to communicate and exploring strategies to overcome barriers, couples can strengthen their bond and work together toward financial well-being.