New guides available to help farmers grow organically

New York State Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell has produced nine free guides for farmers that provide information on how to grow certified organic produce. (March 29, 2010)

Max Pfeffer named senior associate dean in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Max Pfeffer, chair of the Department of Development Sociology, has been appointed senior associate dean in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. (March 22, 2010)

'Smart' nanoparticles identify, target and kill cancer cells

Another weapon in the arsenal against cancer has been invented at Cornell: nanoparticles that identify, target and kill specific cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. (March 9, 2010)

Innovative livestock insurance program launched in Kenya

A newly launched insurance program designed by Cornell postdoctoral researcher Sommarat Chantarat and colleagues could help herders in northern Kenya climb out of poverty. (March 2, 2010)

Northern New York team promotes local foods

A team of extension educators are working in northern New York to promote local foods by organizing a conference, workshop, symposium, calendar and 'Meet the Farmer' dinners. (March 2, 2010)

Scientists collaborate to help sequence aphid genome

The sequenced genome helps researchers better understand the biology of the aphid, which may allow them to design new strategies to control these pests. (Feb. 23, 2010)

Students help to give immigrant farmworkers a voice

Cornell students affiliated with the Immigrant Farmworker Initiative visit farms to teach these workers English. They also work on campus to raise awareness about farmworker issues.

Cloned gene being used to develop aluminum tolerant crops, Kochian says at AAAS

Leon Kochian and colleagues have cloned a unique sorghum gene that is being used to develop sorghum lines that can withstand toxic levels of aluminum in the soil, a consequence of acidic soils. (Feb. 22, 2010)

Things to Do, Feb. 19-26

Events this week include: Temple Grandin; Johnson Museum events; lectures on digital privacy and foreign policy; a poetry reading; a Gallic band performance; and a Schumann recital. (Feb. 18, 2010)