Cornell Food Venture Center feeds Somali immigrant’s dream

What began as family recipes from Bisharo Ali's native Somalia are now commercial products, thanks in part to help from the Cornell Food Venture Center.

Employee Celebration is Oct. 6; tickets on sale Sept. 12-26

Tickets are on sale through Sept. 26 for Cornell’s Fall Employee Celebration for staff, faculty, retirees and their families, to be held Oct. 6, when Cornell Big Red football will square off against Harvard University at 1:30 p.m.

Staff News

Body Positive Cornell groups for staff and faculty begin Sept. 18

BPC groups to help staff and faculty increase their physical, mental and emotional health will begin Sept. 18 and will be held for eight consecutive Tuesdays at noon.

Staff News

United Way campaign leaders stress fun while making a difference

Cornell United Way co-chairs Pat Wynn and Rick Burgess look to generate campuswide enthusiasm and involvement among faculty, staff and students for this year's campaign, which will kick off countywide Sept. 18 and at Cornell Sept. 27.

Staff News

Cornell to switch from Blackboard to Canvas

In spring 2019, Cornell will begin to transition from Blackboard to Canvas as its academic learning management system for its ease of use and to better meets Cornell's educational needs.

Nomination deadline for excellence awards extended

Nominations have been extended to Sept. 14 for the President’s Awards for Employee Excellence (formerly named the Employee Excellence Awards).

Staff News

New high-yield strawberry, raspberry varieties released

Cornell’s berry breeding program is releasing two new varieties, which will be available for planting in spring 2019: a strawberry, Dickens, and a raspberry, Crimson Treasure.

Cornell, Medstrada announce partnership

CALS and venture capital firm Medstrada have partnered to establish an entrepreneurial community in New York state to take on challenges in agriculture, nutrition and food production.

Satellite startup Ursa raises $5.7M, promotes female leaders

Geospatial intelligence startup Ursa Space Systems, a Rev: Ithaca Startup Works member, raised $5.7 million in new venture funding and boasts gender parity among its leadership team.