A collaboration between five colleges and a provost’s office investment of $2 million has led to a major revitalization of Cornell’s capabilities in flow cytometry, a vital part of cell research.
One of the most successful fundraising events in Ithaca, Women Swimmin’, will now be one of the best-organized as well, thanks to optimization help from Cornell Engineering students.
Kirstin Petersen, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, presented art inspired by her research at the New Museum in New York City in a program that pairs artists with technologists and challenges them to create something new.
At the annual BOOM (Bits on Our Minds) showcase April 24 in Duffield Hall, more than 200 students used technology to try to solve problems large and small, local and international, for entertainment, convenience, increased equity or social good.
Irwin Jacobs ’54, BEE ’56, whose invention of code-division multiple access technology unleashed the power of modern wireless communications, received the Cornell Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award.
A new fellowship funded by Don Follett ’52 and Mibs Follett ’51 aims to encourage Cornell Engineering graduates to pursue master’s degrees at Cornell Tech, boosting the pipeline of students and cementing connections between the two campuses.
About three dozen Cornell seniors presented their undergraduate research at the 17th annual Hunter R. Rawlings III Research Scholars Senior Expo on April 17.