Ten Cornell faculty members in computer science and engineering have received Google Faculty Research Awards. Cornell has the third-highest number of recipients among the 80 institutions worldwide that received Google awards.
Physicist John Preskill will explain quantum entanglement, and why it makes quantum information unique, in the spring Hans Bethe Lecture, April 10 in Schwartz Auditorium, Rockefeller Hall.
Cornell researchers have discovered a way to accelerate photons using four orders of magnitude less energy than existing methods, paving the way for ultraviolet lasers that can capture processes lasting a quintillionth of a second.
In his new book “Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe,” mathematician Steven Strogatz explores the history, big ideas and applications of a subject that is essential in everything from how smartphones operate to the latest innovations in medicine.
A new class of biomaterial developed by Cornell researchers for an infectious disease nanovaccine effectively boosted immunity in mice with metabolic disorders linked to gut bacteria – a population that shows resistance to traditional flu and polio vaccine.
A team led by Cornell astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger has published a catalog of 1,822 stars that the new Transiting Exoplanet Surveying Satellite will be able to scan for possible Earth-like planets in their orbits.
Cornell research aims to turn the nutritious leftovers created during apple processing into snack foods and cereals, reducing waste and creating new economic opportunities for New York companies.
The Praxis Center for Venture Development, which formally opened March 21, will help clients accelerate research and development of their technologies while supporting business development in New York state.