A team of Weill and Ithaca researchers has built a device that captures rare cancer cells from metastatic prostate cancer patients to test the effects of chemotherapy.
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer visited campus June 18 with some welcome news: Cornell's world-renowned synchrotron X-ray facility will continue being funded.
Mars scientist Steve Squyres is serving on the crew of the 16th NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, a two-week undersea training mission off the Florida Keys.
Severe winter weather outbreaks are more likely due in part to the seemingly far-off problem of melting sea ice in the Arctic, according to Cornell earth scientists.
Adipose-derived stem cells often used in reconstructive surgeries including mastectomies can create a microenvironment suitable for more tumors to grow, researchers report.
The 'stitching' between individual crystals of graphene affects how well these carbon monolayers conduct electricity and retain their strength, Cornell researchers report. (May 31, 2012)