Diversity in typhoid bacteria linked to higher mortality rates

One in five of the bacterial strains that cause typhoid fever have genetic variations in their external layer, called Vi capsule, that provide higher virulence, higher infectivity and high antibiotic resistance, Cornell researchers have discovered.

Redesigning videoconferencing for, and by, people who stutter

New research and an app aim to make Zoom and other video conferencing platforms less stressful for people with speech diversities, while improving the experience for everyone.

New lab test to detect persistent HIV strains in Africa may aid search for cure

A multinational team led by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators developed a test for an HIV strain that disproportionately affects women and will benefit patients around the world.

Bio-based tool quickly detects concerning coronavirus variants

Cornell researchers have developed a bioelectric device that can detect and classify new variants of coronavirus, and potentially other viruses, such as measles and influenza, to identify those that are most harmful.

More soil carbon offers eco-friendly weed control

Cornell researchers have tested an ecological tool in the fight to control weeds in silage soybean and corn fields: adding carbon to soil in the form of sawdust and rye hay.

Solidarity from below: A leftist’s guide to the U.S.-China rivalry

Workers and socially marginalized people in both countries should pressure leaders not to ratchet up rhetoric and to center solidarity across borders, ILR's Eli Friedman argues in a new book.

More complaints, worse performance when AI monitors work

Employees prefer human oversight to AI surveillance – unless the technology can be framed as supporting their development, new Cornell research finds.

Cornell inventors celebrated at cross-campus event

Cornell inventors are turning visionary ideas into tangible solutions to global challenges. Cornell’s Center for Technology Licensing celebrated their achievements at its inaugural Bearers of Innovation event.

Around Cornell

Dirty cooking fuels pose major threat to infants in India

A new paper quantifies the impact of cooking fuel choice on indoor air pollution and early childhood mortality in India.