Smaller fish offer better nutrition, lower environmental cost

Smaller fish species are more nutritious, lower in mercury and less susceptible to overfishing, a Cornell-led research team has found.

André Dhondt, Professor of Ornithology, retires after decades of scholarship

After decades of scholarship, André Dhondt, Edwin H. Morgens Professor of Ornithology, retires. Dhondt was a pioneer in the field of avian disease ecology, authored more than 325 articles, and mentored hundreds of students. 

Around Cornell

Communicating with cotton: CROPPS research in Arizona

In a new video, Molly Edwards ’12 highlights innovations from researchers at the Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS) aimed at tackling the impacts of heat and drought on agriculture.

Around Cornell

Cavity-nesting birds decorate with snake skin to deter predators

When a bird drapes its nest with snake skin, it isn’t just making an interesting home décor choice. For some birds, it keeps predators at bay.

Small wins in early life lead to inequality in adulthood

Lucky breaks in a male mouse’s youth can lead to large advantages in adulthood, especially in groups that compete for food, territory and mates.

Dogs sniff out devastating spotted lanternflies for early detection

Growers and conservationists have a new weapon to detect invasive spotted lanternflies early and limit their spread: dogs trained to sniff out egg masses that overwinter in vineyards and forests. 

From e-waste to gold: a pathway to CO2 sustainability

A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.

December graduates charted their own course

The December Recognition Ceremony, held Dec. 22 in Barton Hall, celebrated 500 August and December graduates.

Understanding leaves’ resiliency when it rains

New research elucidates a raindrop’s impact on a leaf - the equivalent in mass of a bowling ball hitting a person - and the physical dynamics that help the leaf survive.