The Tompkins County program provides trainees - many of whom have faced obstacles to employment - with a foundation in environmental literacy and hands-on experience that helps them enter the workforce.
Cornell researchers Greeshma Gadikota, Phil Milner and Tobias Hanrath discuss their carbon capture research, including a new experimental CAPTURE-Lab at Cornell’s Combined Heat and Power Plant.
The shipping industry dramatically cut sulfur emissions, resulting in diminished cloud cover over the oceans. This caused a global temperature spike in 2023.
An international marine research team guided by Cornell expertise has successfully completed an ambitious drilling project to investigate the plate boundary fault that ruptured during the Tohoku earthquake that devastated Japan in 2011.
A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.
A Cornell Tech-led research group is in the early stages of developing a portable, inexpensive device that uses radio frequency signals and machine learning to measure lead contamination levels in soil.
Researchers in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment have developed a new model to understand wildlife interactions. They’ve found that coyote populations in upstate New York may benefit fishers but not American martens.