The project will compare smallholder apple farms in the Western Himalayas and in Central New York to study how people might act collectively to promote wild pollinator health.
Cornell Law School's Marielena Hincapié and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Amanda Rodewald discuss the challenges of migration and solutions for a sustainable future on the Cornell Keynotes podcast.
Students can win up to $1,500 for projects that combine art and technology in the inaugural Art + Tech exhibit hosted by The Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity.
The assortment of species of tiny soil animals – small enough to stand on the head of a pin – differ from one urban park to another, unlike plants and larger animals where a few species are often found across many parks.
While supporting research through its nine farms and 127,000 square feet of greenhouses, Cornell AES facilities are also used as a unique teaching environment for two dozen Cornell undergraduate courses.