From e-waste to gold: a pathway to CO2 sustainability

A Cornell-led research team has developed a method for extracting gold from electronics waste, then using the recovered precious metal as a catalyst for converting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to organic materials.

New device’s radio waves reveal lead contamination in soil

A Cornell Tech-led research group is in the early stages of developing a portable, inexpensive device that uses radio frequency signals and machine learning to measure lead contamination levels in soil.

2030 Project Fast Grant awards support energy systems of the future

Researchers from five colleges have received awards to support work on sustainable energy systems.

Around Cornell

New wildlife model captures species interactions in NYS

Researchers in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment have developed a new model to understand wildlife interactions. They’ve found that coyote populations in upstate New York may benefit fishers but not American martens.

Carla Gomes named Schmidt AI2050 Senior Fellow

Philanthropic organization Schmidt Sciences has named Carla P. Gomes of Cornell Bowers CIS an AI2050 Senior Fellow for her work on innovative AI approaches to advance scientific discovery, focusing on significant sustainability challenges.

Recycling human, animal excreta could help meet nutrient supply for global crops

A global analysis by Cornell researchers found that recycling all the human and livestock feces and urine on the planet would contribute substantially to meeting the nutrient supply for all crops worldwide, thereby dramatically reducing the dependency on fossil fuels.

Superhot rock energy could power geothermal systems anywhere

Superhot rock geothermal – often found at least six miles below Earth’s surface – could offer abundant clean energy, finds a new report from Cornell researchers and the nonprofit Clean Air Task Force.

Around Cornell

Cornellians at COP29 advocate for research, collaboration, climate ambition

A small delegation of Cornell faculty, staff and students attended COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan in November, where they advocated for cross-cutting partnerships to help countries achieve climate goals.

Around Cornell

From tradition to innovation: CROPPS Symposium explores sustainable agriculture for hotter, drier climates

The 2024 CROPPS Annual Meeting and Symposium held in October in the Sonoran Desert region of Arizona provided an ideal stage for discussions on sustainable agriculture in hot, dry environments. 

Around Cornell