Students transmit health care data without cell service, internet

Using low-frequency radio waves to send blood pressure data, a group of students has provided a proof of concept that could enable in-home health care for people without cellular or broadband access.

Kenyan fishers face increased drowning risk from climate change

Fatal drownings are a big risk for small-scale fishers on Africa’s largest lake, with many of those deaths attributed to bad weather – conditions that are likely to worsen with climate change.

Molecular sensor tracks energy use at the subcellular level

Researchers have developed and tested a high-resolution sensor for tracking the real-time dynamics of adenosine triphosphate levels in cells and within subcellular compartments.

Mothers live longer as child mortality declines

The dramatic decline in childhood mortality during the 20th century has added a full year to women’s lives, according to a new study.

Class of 2024 celebrated at Carnegie Hall Commencement

More than 300 expected graduates in received their degrees from Weill Cornell Medicine during the institution’s annual commencement ceremony May 16 at Carnegie Hall.

NY FarmNet brings suicide prevention education to communities across NYS

NY FarmNet is bringing the Talk Saves Lives suicide prevention education program to bring rural communities throughout New York state.

Around Cornell

AI may improve doctor-patient interactions for older adults with cancer

Researchers have developed an AI tool that uses machine learning and large language models to identify treatment options based on patients’ diagnoses, demographic information and priorities.

Newest EEG lab empowers faculty from multiple disciplines

Cornell's newest interdisciplinary EEG lab could help faculty make breakthroughs in fields ranging from psychology to neurology to artificial intelligence. 

Around Cornell

New research initiative tackles pressing global development issues

CIDER unites 24 faculty across campus and the world, along with students, staff, researchers and external partners, to create and share knowledge.