In the News

The Atlantic

Nathan Kravis, clinical professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine, says “Its strangeness is part of the power. It really has no parallel anywhere else in our social world.”

Associated Press

“Those people taking the subway into Manhattan, they live in a very different world than those people who live in Manhattan. They live in very different worlds in terms of the pressures that they feel, challenges that they feel in life, and they don’t want to be preached to,” says Richard Bensel, professor of government.


Kate Manne, associate professor of philosophy, discusses the challenges women face in the American electoral process. 


“Places like New York City, Newark, Philadelphia, and Wilmington are lacking more than 7 inches of rain since the start of September. The forecast shows little precipitation, meaning drought relief appears limited,” says Samantha Borisoff, climate scientist at NOAA’s Northeast Regional Climate Center.

Business Insider

George Hay, professor of law, says “It's very rare that, at the presidential level, there's any attempt to influence the course of cases which have already been filed.”

Associated Press

Sarah Kreps, director of the Tech Policy Institute, noted that Trump could revisit the issue and direct his administration to negotiate a new deal with TikTok.

The New York Times

Suzanne Shu, dean of faculty and research at the Johnson School, says “Social Security is a program that most American workers think they already have as an endowment. They want it as soon as they can get their hands on it.”

The Telegraph

Peter Enns, professor of government, says “We plug in the 2024 numbers from 100 days or more in advance, and then say okay, if these past relationships hold, that lets us predict what will happen in each state, right?”


Sarah Kreps, director of the Tech Policy Institute, says “When he proposed this [ban] in 2020, it was just sheer antipathy for China without much evidence at all about what China might be doing.”


Drew Pascarella, senior lecturer of finance, discusses mergers and acquisitions.

Business Insider

George Hay, professor of law, discusses how Trump's presidency could impact lawsuits against tech giants. 

Associated Press

“We often hear reports about posts to social media enabling abusers to stalk them or triggering further harassment. Removing users’ ability to block problematic individuals will be a huge step backwards for survivor safety,” says Thomas Ristenpart, professor of computer security at Cornell Tech and co-founder of the Clinic to End Tech Abuse.