The expertise of Claire Wardle, associate professor of communication, and Alexios Mantzarlis, director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech, are featured in this article.
Scott Stewart, clinical professor of finance and accounting, says “It’s a big challenge. Even if you do really good due diligence, the odds of hiring an investment manager who’s good is really hard.”
Kevin McGowan, extension associate at the Lab of Ornithology, discusses Rochester's approach to driving away tens of thousands of crows that descend on the city in early December.
Angela Odoms-Young, associate professor of nutritional science, says "There’s strong evidence to suggest that a dietary pattern that is high in beans, peas, and lentils is associated with lower chronic disease risk.”
“This transition to a nighttime schedule pushes an extremely vulnerable population into more difficult work conditions that have significant mental and physical health impacts,” says Mary Jo Dudley, director of the Cornell Farmworker Program.
“If one thinks about the underlying value proposition of Bitcoin, it is driven entirely by scarcity,” says Eswar Prasad, senior professor of international trade policy.