In the News


“We can look for inspiration from traditional dress from very warm climates. In a lot of them, they are wearing things that actually cover most of the body but are not tight-fitting,” says Margaret Frey, professor of fiber science and apparel design.


Chris Barrett, professor of agricultural and development economics, explains why the cost of coffee beans is rising.

The Wall Street Journal

David Just, professor of applied economics, says “It makes some sense that nudges would be much more effective in the short term than in the long term.”

The New York Times

Sarah Kreps, professor of government, says Rupert Murdoch “has a particular ideological valence and most people know what that is, and that permeates through his different media outlets. People can opt into those or opt out.”

New Scientist

Jochen Buck, professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, discusses research that found male birth control injections can cause reversible infertility in mice.

USA Today

Alex Susskind, professor of food and beverage management, talks about how changing trends impacted Red Lobster.

National Geographic

“There's not really great evidence to suggest that local honey can help seasonal allergies. What evidence exists now really doesn't back up the claims,” says Priya Katari, assistant professor of clinical pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine.


“That is exactly what the judge will instruct the jury: ‘If you find anything that a witness said to be untrue, to be incredible, to be a lie, feel free to disregard the entirety of that witness’s testimony,’” says Randy Zelin, professor of law.

The Wall Street Journal

Jacqueline Rifkin, assistant professor of marketing, discusses the benefits and downsides of delayed gratification.

The New York Times

Arthur Wheaton, director of labor studies, discusses the Mercedes-Benz workers' vote against joining the union.


“We're going to have to have an attitude adjustment here. We're going to have to start dealing with the fact now that we're going to have air quality alerts more often,” says Mark Wysocki, senior lecturer of Earth and atmospheric sciences emeritus.


Nicole Martin, assistant research professor in dairy foods microbiology, comments on the surge of raw milk sales.