Long Island Sound critical for fishers, families, CCE expert tells Congress

CCE’s Chris Pickerell, M.S. ’93, urged Congress to continue funding environmental programs around the Long Island Sound to preserve the region’s strong ecological integrity and economy.

By Graduate TAs, for Graduate TAs: Belonging at Cornell mini grant funds 2023 Advanced Graduate Teaching Cohort

Kim Webb and Rink Tacoma-Fogel used a Belonging at Cornell mini-grant to create the Advanced Graduate Teaching Cohort to help graduate students develop their teaching skills, and to build a diverse and collaborative community of scholars.

Around Cornell

Vaping labels challenge: Encouraging adults, dissuading kids

In a recent study published in Social Science and Medicine, a multidisciplinary team sought to deepen regulators’ understanding of how both adults and teens respond to warning labels on e-cigarettes.

Report: Warmer planet will trigger increased farm losses

Extreme heat is already harming crop yields, but a new report quantifies just how much that warming is cutting into farmers’ financial security. For every 1 degree Celsius of warming, yields of major crops like corn, soybeans and wheat fall by 16% to 20%, gross farm income falls by 7% and net farm income plummets 66%.

Task force offers guidance to researchers on use of AI

A multidisciplinary task force of Cornell faculty and staff has issued a report offering perspectives and practical guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence in the practice and dissemination of Cornell’s academic research.

Study teases out strategies to prevent fatal deer disease re-entering NY

Deer hunters were more likely to be swayed by social media messages about the potential risks of chronic wasting disease if they came from a source they believed aligned with their own views and values.

NY’s first dairy farm biochar kiln advances green agriculture

An alumnus-owned farm in Union Springs will become New York’s first commercial dairy to run cow manure through a kiln to make eco-friendly biochar – thanks to Cornell agricultural expertise.

PCCW grant helps support diverse student entrepreneurs

A focus will be introducing the idea of entrepreneurship to students who have never thought about it before.

Around Cornell

Concealing sexual identity may have impeded mpox care for some men

Openly gay men were more likely than those who conceal their sexual orientation to seek care for mpox last year during a global outbreak that disproportionately affected their community, researchers from Cornell and the University of Toronto found.