A series of research papers and a free online data dashboard seek to boost the use of biofortification – an affordable, sustainable and climate-smart way to address global malnutrition by increasing the concentrations of essential nutrients in staple crops.
A new partnership between the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) and the European and Mediterranean Cereal Rust Foundation (EMCRF) aims to strengthen global food security by advancing research, promoting knowledge sharing, and developing sustainable management practices to combat rust diseases and powdery mildew in cereal crops.
Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (Cornell AES) manages nine research farms and 127,000 square feet of greenhouse space on Ithaca’s campus and across New York state. While these facilities are designed to support research, they are also used as unique teaching tools for two dozen courses covering topics in plant science, soil science, entomology, food systems, agricultural machinery, and more.
Cornell University and World Coffee Research, backed by funding from USAID, are rolling out a new program focused on improving the resilience and productivity of coffee smallholder growers worldwide.
This renewed funding will enable the Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement to strengthen its interdisciplinary efforts to support demand-driven, socially responsive crop improvement programs in key regions around the world.
For undergraduate would-be entrepreneurs, this competition encourages examining micro- or macro-level problems and envisioning ways to fix them via innovative business ventures.