Beekeeping, hydropower: Cornell Atkinson awards nearly $1M in grants

Cornell Atkinson’s annual Academic Venture Fund will provide nearly $1 million in seed funding to support research teams across five colleges and 11 departments, many with key external partnerships.

Art, stories, and tours celebrate plants and the Black experience

“Seeds of Survival and Celebration: Plants and the Black Experience” returns for its third and final year at Cornell Botanic Gardens. 

Around Cornell

More soil carbon offers eco-friendly weed control

Cornell researchers have tested an ecological tool in the fight to control weeds in silage soybean and corn fields: adding carbon to soil in the form of sawdust and rye hay.

Cornell team hopes judges say ‘Yes!’ to Nonna’s Nopales gnocchi

Cornell IFT team goes to Chicago with their Nonna’s Nopales futuristic food product – gnocchi made from superfood cactus paddles.

Cornell inventors celebrated at cross-campus event

Cornell inventors are turning visionary ideas into tangible solutions to global challenges. Cornell’s Center for Technology Licensing celebrated their achievements at its inaugural Bearers of Innovation event.

Around Cornell

Dirty cooking fuels pose major threat to infants in India

A new paper quantifies the impact of cooking fuel choice on indoor air pollution and early childhood mortality in India.

USDA breaks ground on $70M lab for grape research at AgriTech

The National Grape Improvement Center is expected to propel innovation, foster collaboration and revolutionize grape production nationwide.

Impact of dietary fiber varies from person to person

Nutritionists generally advise everyone to eat more dietary fiber, but a new study suggests that its effects on health can vary, suggesting that recommendations should be tailored to each individual’s gut microbiome.

Spritzy and sustainable: Researchers riff on an ancient refreshment

Piquette, an ancient French beverage made of upcycled grape pomace, gets a New York state spin with the addition of dairy byproducts.