Startup aiming to reduce plastic reliance joins Cornell incubator

RETRN Bio, a startup aspiring to use ag waste to replace petroleum-based plastic liners in consumer products, has joined Cornell’s Center for Life Science Ventures incubator.

Anonymous donor honors legacy of beloved professor Daniel G. Sisler

An anonymous donor has made three gifts to the Department of Global Development to honor the legacy of the late Daniel G. Sisler, Ph.D. ’62: an engaged learning fund that will support faculty-led study trips, a new endowed professorship and a student hub in Mann Library.

Around Cornell

Engineering enzymes to break down microplastics in sewage and wastewater

Food Science Professor Julie Goddard’s research team has engineered unique enzymes to break down microplastics in sewage and wastewater, a major route of microplastic pollution into the environment.

Around Cornell

CROPPS welcomes 2024 REU class

The Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems is welcomes the 2024 cohort of the National Science Foundation-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.

Around Cornell

Cornell Keynotes podcast: Why are bee populations declining around the world?

Marina Caillaud, a senior lecturer in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, discusses stressors on bee colonies in an episode of the Cornell Keynotes podcast.

Around Cornell

Dairy innovation program nurtures the cream of the crop

Sammi and John Collins are participants in the second cohort of Cornell’s Dairy Runway Program, which offers free entrepreneurship training for early stage innovators aiming to launch new dairy products.

‘Sour’ grapes: Berry damage, fruit flies worsen wine

Damaged grape berries combined with vinegar flies are a recipe for promoting sour rot, a disease that lowers vineyard yields and wine quality. 

No, China is not buying up all US farmland

Research from Wendong Zhang of Dyson and collaborators shows that countries classified by the federal government as “adversary,” such as China, held only 1% of the roughly 40 million acres of foreign-owned farmland as of 2020.

Houlton to Vatican climate summit: Ag is ‘most powerful weapon’

At last week’s Vatican climate change meeting, Ben Houlton (CALS) spoke on how the global agricultural sector could remove large volumes of atmospheric carbon.